Thursday, May 30, 2013

Thoughts as the night winds down

There are a few things that I admire about myself. I do not mention them with a conceited, arrogant mentality. It's more about giving myself credit and acknowledging that I'm not a completely hopeless person.

I admire that I can always dig deep and be happy. I believe that at my core, I am a naturally happy person. Sometimes, it's just a matter of letting that person surface past whatever negatives things are surrounding my life. I also admire that I can make others smile or laugh. I have been told that I brighten days -- HUGE compliment. I admire that even though family and friends thought I was crazy for giving animals so much significance, I held on strongly to my feelings for them. Now I work in the veterinary field and have been a successful vegetarian for over five years.

Finally, I admire that I am able to forgive. For the most part. I could never forgive somebody hurting my critters, I don't think. Honestly, that is the only unforgivable offense that I can come up with without thinking too hard about it...

Is it possible that I am too forgiving, though? How many times do I have to accept apologies from one person? How many times do I have to make excuses for the same person? How many times do I have to remind myself that I love this person enough to forgive time and time again?

If I am, in fact, too forgiving towards this person, is that really something to admire about myself? Is that something to be proud of? Or should I be ashamed? Am I really just being a complete fool for practically shrugging my shoulders about things and moving on? Am I letting this person walk all over me?

These aren't fun questions to ponder.

Can I just go back to being a happy daisy?

That sounds like a plan...

Not just dogs

Today, we Aggies were given the unfortunate news the Reveille VII, Texas A&M's First Lady and mascot from 2001 to 2008, passed away.

Our Reveilles are no ordinary mascots...

Texas A&M was founded as a school that required all students to enroll in the Corps of Cadets and receive military training. While no longer a requirement (ahem... I would NOT have enrolled there if it was), the Corps is still huge at A&M. Do you know who the highest ranking member of the Corps is? It's Reveille. In fact, all other members of the Corps have to address her as "Miss Reveille, ma'am."

Reveille also attends class with her student handler. However, if she barks while a professor is teaching, the class must be immediately dismissed. It's tradition.

Like other Reveilles before her, Reveille will receive a formal military funeral and be buried at Kyle Field in front of a scoreboard so she can keep track of the football games. Thousands of people attended the funeral of Reveille VI... I am certain that thousands more will attend Reveille VII's funeral as well.

Reveille VII
She was a special dog indeed. She served as mascot all three years that I was at A&M... That's why she's even more special to me.

Reveille VII also would have had her thirteenth birthday in October. My own beloved boy, Canelo Dog, turns thirteen in October. Reveille VII was the same age as my boy... And now she has passed.

I can not put into words how anxious I am becoming about the fact that my boy is aging and that his last months, weeks, days are fast approaching. I am so incredibly grateful for the time that I have with him (whatever may be left) and try my absolute best to care for him diligently and make him as happy as possible.

Canelo Dog and mommy, April 2013

I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful boy. I bet he has no idea how happy he has made me these past 12.5 years and what an important role he has had in my life. I owe him so much.

Take care of yourself and your critters, y'all.


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

I ran for my life.

I am now training for a half-marathon! I will be running The Hottest Half on August 25th. I may be crazy for running this in the middle of a Texas summer, but...
  1. I will be training in the summer anyway
  2. It'll be early in the morning before it gets too hot
  3. The course is around White Rock Lake, which is where I am training
Once I accomplish this, I will gladly say to you: If I can do it, you can do it. 

You see, I was never an athlete. Not even as a child when the playing field was pretty even and except for a few stellar standouts, all kids pretty much sucked. I didn't do sports in high school because again, I didn't feel talented enough and felt that I would just let whatever team I joined down. In college, when we were required to take kinesiology/fitness classes, I chose Aerobic Walking because I figured it was the only thing I had any chance at passing. This when they offered classes such as skating, rock climbing, swimming, volleyball, skiing, etc. You name it, they offered it (Texas A&M is awesome like that). Nope, I stuck to walking.

So at almost-30, I'm ready to be an athlete. I have found a sport that I truly enjoy and that pushes me. It's also therapeutic. I may not be the fastest, but I'm building my endurance and giving my heart a workout as well. I feel so good about this decision, I wish I had started sooner.

There are plenty of apps on smart phones to help with the process. I also chose to purchase a guide/training plan from No Meat Athlete. Yes, I am doing this as a vegetarian, of course. That will only add to my sense of accomplishment.

I hope to update you on my progress and on other little facts of my life. I seriously suck at blogging now. Gone are the days when I had to resist posting more than twice a day. Overshare. 

Have an excellent week, y'all!