Staying connected has become my job, however. I have been the "Facebook person" at work for almost a year now, and I truly enjoy it. My first few months on the job, I was sent to seminars and conferences related to online marketing and would meet with my boss regularly to discuss how things were going. Eventually, I guess everyone figured that I had shit down and I have been left to do my thing, becoming an important voice for the company.
Our company is relocating and expanding in just a few months, though. Marketing these changes has become a significantly important topic at the hospital. Two weeks ago, a marketing team was formed, and as the "Facebook person", I was grandfathered onto this team. I am now the "Social Media/Online Reputation Manager" with a whole new set of responsibilities, responsibilities that must be met while still performing my duties as a neurology nurse.
I am thrilled to have made this team because it's nice to be trusted to do it and because of the sense of job security that it gives me. I feel so essential! And buying this desk now seems like an even more terrific investment since I will more than likely be working additional hours from home. Editing photographs, planning posts, reviewing reviews, and studying ways to remain relative and effective. It is all so exciting! As much as I love my medical job, the opportunity to do something entirely different and new adds a little oomph to life.
I couldn't be happier.
I hope I do well. I hope I can keep things together and stay organized. Stay tuned!