Monday, August 13, 2012

Falling into fall

So summer is winding down, is it not? I say this because all around me, school seems to be the topic of conversation.

I have cousins gearing up for another year of high school, old coworkers registering for their last semesters of college, old friends going back to school while working full-time, former classmates returning to College Station, and other friends preparing their small children for school. Each person stressing in his or her own way, but making things happen all the same. I am actually excited for everyone -- I'm weird.

I myself am embarking on a scholastic adventure: earning a Master's degree entirely online. Lawd, help me.

Still, it is safe to say that I am glad the summer is almost over, even if this means that I will now have to devote some of my spare time to reading, homework, and studying. With summer on its way out, fall can gloriously make its entrance accompanied by so much fun to be had, I am going to need energy like none other!

Allow me to specify:

  • The return of football -- Go Cowboys and gig 'em, Aggies!
  • Dallas Pride on September 16th, complete with a 5K, parade, and festival
  • Macbeth opens at Shakespeare Dallas on September 19th, then in Addison on October 3rd
  • The State Fair of Texas, which opens September 28th
  • The Index Music Festival at Trees -- October 5th-6th
  • Zombie Walk in Deep Ellum on October 13th -- can't wait to dress up for that one!
  • The gayest, most fabulous Halloween party on the planet: Block Party! October 27th

That's as far as I can go. After Halloween the time changes and Mr. Sun doesn't appear as much... I am less enthused. Regardless, isn't my fall shaping up to be the bestest? Can I repeat how happy I am to be spending it in Dallas and not College Station? Oh! I will also be taking sewing lessons starting next month. One of my coworkers may be joining me on that adventure. Yippeeee!

Let's just end this one on that note: Yippeeee!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Throwing stuff at life

Bored with life? Feeling stuck? Lacking hope and joy? I feel that way sometimes too, hence my post about wanting adventure. My advice to you is to not look back. Only look forward without focusing on the little things. Envision that big picture. Take time to yourself to reflect, make a list of goals, make a list of things that make you happy. Then, make those things happen. Believe in yourself. Trust that you can take matters into your own hands and convince yourself that more than anyone or anything in this world, you have a say in your degree of happiness.

Over the past several weeks, I've been hooked on Pinterest, more so than ever. Specifically, fashion and, even more specifically, vintage and retro style. Two months ago, I bought the cutest yellow vintage dress from Lula B's in Deep Ellum. Of course, being a vintage dress, it is a bit out of date with a rather long hem. If I were to wear it as it is, I'd look more grandmother-like than fashionista-like. The only solution would be to alter it... A desire to learn how to sew has been born.

The thought of being able to alter clothes to make it fit me perfectly and the idea of maybe one day making my own clothes is very thrilling. As of last week, I have started to learn how to sew. My creative energies are being put to use and it feels wonderful!

I also have very altruistic energies.

I have turned those altruistic energies to children. As with animals, I want to help children who are in need of the most attention -- this is why I once worked and volunteered at animal shelters. I do not do well in human hospitals, otherwise I would volunteer at the Children's Hospital. Instead, I have chosen to do volunteer work at a learning center for homeless children.

Last week, I attended orientation at Vogel Alcove and was briefly introduced to some of the children there. As I saw their tiny faces beaming with joy and curiosity, I realized that my life is about to change. The thoughts and emotions that ran through me are best left for another post, once I am better able to put them into words. For now, all I can say -- in the simplest of terms -- is that I am grateful for and so excited about this opportunity. It has given my restless heart something to look forward to and I couldn't be happier about it.

I guess all I am trying to say is do what you love. Do things that will satisfy your energies. Don't let your time and energy go to waste. Realize that life is what you make of it. Even though you can't always control what is thrown at you, you can control how you react to it and what you throw back at it. I have chosen to throw back some creativity and humanity.

How about you?