Monday, November 7, 2011

Random news.

I so badly want to turn this apartment of mine more into a home, more into a space that is actually mine, not just a place I stay at while I am in vet school. This afternoon I went to the bookstore to buy a notebook and some paper for one of my classes. I saw a random basket hidden towards the corner of the store just as I was making my way to the checkout counter. Above it, in large red letters, was the irresistible word SALE and off I was to investigate what goodies could be coming home with me without damaging my limited budget. The basket was full of Wall Pops, which are wall stickers that you stick and appear like paint. They are so damn neat! And they peel right off without damaging the wall and can be used again! The ones I found were pretty basic (no fancy designs), but who cares?! They were freaking cheap! What a steal, my wall and apartment look better already. Hooray!

In other news, I haven't mentioned that over the weekend my parents adopted their first kitten! She is absolutely adorable and is already so loved. I am pleased with my parents for becoming so loving towards animals in recent years. This is a pair who did not allow animals inside the house when I was growing up. They did not like cats at all, either. Dogs you could a least run around with, kick a ball with, play fetch with, teach tricks to, but a cat? Pointless to have, in their (old) opinion. Now, they have adopted their own. Not a pet they are getting because one of their kids wants it, one that took major convincing to be welcomed into the family. Nope. This was their choice. They wanted her. I am so damn proud of them, and of myself for helping them see the beauty of animals. I knew it was only a matter of time. Their daughter is going to be a veterinarian, after all. Her livelihood will be coming from animals and the people who love them. It was only a matter of time.

So I am happy right now. Even with the time change, I am happy. I think a goal I will set for myself is to spend as much time outdoors and in the sun while I can. Something as simple as eating my lunch outside will help and taking Canelo to the park as soon as I get home (if the sun is still out).

Off to finish one last homework assignment before it is time for sleep once more. :)

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