Wednesday, November 20, 2013

I'm obsessed.

Obsessed with my goal to remain a happy daisy despite the dropping temperatures and decreased daylight. Yes, I created a Pinterest board for this as well. Obsessed may not be a strong enough word...

Today is the 20th, which means that the solstice is about one month away, which means that soon the days will start to lengthen again, which is very good news.

During my morning walks with Canelo, I notice how bright and happy the sun is (as long as the morning isn't overcast). The light hits all the oranges, reds, yellows, and persistent greens so beautifully in the morning, it's hard not to smile about it. It's probably the prettiest part of the day... Pretty enough to make me ignore that it is also the coldest.

I have therefore decided to add this to my happiness plan:

Go to bed early to wake up early and enjoy the morning sun. Do NOT sleep through these precious hours of sunlight. Wake up and get out of bed before the sun even rises so that you are up and going by the time the very first beam hits.

This is nothing new, really. During the summer, going to bed early to wake up early was also a necessity. Back then, I had to catch the cooler temperatures in order to go running. Now, it's all about catching the sun. This brings me to a side note: do not tell me that seasons do not exist in Texas! Get your ass outside and you will realize that they do. November mornings are nothing like July mornings!

I have already caught some rays today (I've been up since 6 am), but am determined to catch more. I just need a reason to be outside. Another thing to add to my list of goals is to become a better photographer. I have completed two photography courses so far, though I know that I will never improve if I do not practice. Maybe I can go outside and click away. That's where the beauty is, right? Right?

Happy hump day, folks!

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