Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Oh, dear. November is here.

Well, October flew on by, just as I had expected it to. I am trying to think back and remember what I did throughout the month that made it pass so quickly. Thankfully, I over-document things through photographs on Instagram. My memory can easily be refreshed.

Highlights from October:

Early in the month, I celebrated Canelo Dog's 13th birthday. I truly wish I had started doing this years ago, taking a photo with him each birthday. Oh well.

I am such a proud doggie mom!

Midway through the month, I had some adventurous times at The State Fair with Dustin and at Strangling Brothers Haunted House with my best friends. No October is complete without Big Tex and scares!

Big Tex is a total phoenix.

Riding all alone and loving the adrenaline!

Fun fun fun!

Heather was obviously thrilled! 

Towards the end of the month, Dustin, Justin, and I went to see Tim Kasher perform an intimate solo show at Three Links in Deep Ellum. I fell in love with that guy. The way he sang and the way he spoke to us. Also, the silliness that ensued after the crowd had bought him a few drinks! He sang Recluse and Album of the Year, which made me so damn happy! After the show, I was determined to meet him and have my picture taken with him. Boom.

Goofiest smile ever and all up on him like a fangirl! 

Finally, Halloweenie. Halloween at work was fun! Some coworkers brought candy and cupcakes to share with the staff. I couldn't eat any of it because it wasn't vegan, but I still thought that it was a nice gesture. Someone also brought a huge, HUGE skeleton and placed it in the shower in one of the bathrooms. By the end of the day, it was wearing a shower cap and holding a loofah in one if its bony hands. So funny!

Well, pardon me.

We also pranked one of my coworkers! Sabrina was the mastermind of it all. She came to the back and mentioned how fun it would be to jump out of a cabinet to scare someone. She decided that Laura would be the best person to scare because she has a great sense of humor and would probably just laugh it off.

At first, we thought about hiding in a cabinet in the operating room, but couldn't think of a legitimate reason for having Laura go in there. Then we thought it would be funny for someone to hide in a body bag and suddenly start moving. Jocelyn volunteered to be "the body". I volunteered to be the person to bring Laura to the back. All I had to do was tell her that I needed to show her where I placed a lab sample for Fed Ex to pick up. Worked like a charm! Everyone in the hospital was watching and cracking up! One of the doctors even hid in a mop closet so that he could watch her reaction. Of course, Laura was a good sport about it all! She even requested a copy of the video that Kerrie took. Ha!

Here's the link to the video, which Kerrie posted on her Facebook page: Halloween Prank

When my shift was finally over, I rushed home, tore open the bags of (vegan) candy I had purchased, painted my face and greeted trick-or-treaters. The things kids do for candy! It was obvious that some of the smaller ones were afraid of me, but they marched right up to me, winced, and held their bags out for their treats. It was all so cute and fun! I ended the night by watching The Nightmare Before Christmas with my nephew and cousin. All in all, a very good Halloween and end to October!

My Halloween make-up. 5-minute job.

November has already started off with a bang. Frank Turner's show at the Granada, a Walk for Farm Animals through downtown Dallas with fellow vegans, and Young the Giant's show at Three Links (which just so happens to be winning me over as my favorite local music venue) last night.

I hope more adventures are headed my way. I hope I can stay happy and positive even though this weather and lack of sunshine totally blows. We shall see.

I think I will spend the rest of my day off all cozied up reading. Then I will run. Then I will consider going to Cults' show at Trees tonight.

Keep it classy, y'all.

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