Monday, October 3, 2011

Done with September

My first post for the month of October and hopefully, not my only one!

Boy, howdy, vet school keeps me busy! Take last week for example, starting with September 23rd. It was a Friday. On Fridays, my classes are over by noon, which is really nice. That Friday, however, I stayed on campus for quite a while. First, an optional exam review at noon, which went on until about one. Then, a quick lunch at the teaching hospital's cafeteria. Afterwards, I spent a few hours in the anatomy lab studying. I would have stayed longer, but was kicked out at five when the lab closed. This actually upset me. So then I went upstairs to the histology lab and studied there til about 6:15. Quite a Friday, huh?

Saturday was my day off. Dustin was in town, we went to the football game, etc. Sunday, I spent most of my day at the anatomy lab again. Monday the 26th, I had an exam in the afternoon. I was out of classes at five that day, but stayed in the anatomy lab until about seven. Tuesday, I had an exam in the afternoon, was out of classes at five, but stayed at the vet school until 6:30 working on a group project. Wednesday, I was out of classes at three, but stayed in the anatomy lab until 5:30. Thursday, out of classes at five and stayed at the library until eight. Friday, done with classes at noon, but had an exam from one to five.

Keep in mind that even after going home, I would stay up late studying (after taking care of other basic tasks such as eating, scooping litter boxes, walking Canelo, and showering) and that I wake up at six every morning to walk my dog, eat breakfast, get ready, catch the first bus, and make it to class by eight.

I had another exam today so I spent the entire weekend studying with occasional glances at the A&M, Cowboys, and Rangers games. I have another exam in a week. This plus a weekly homework assignment that is always due on Tuesdays, a quiz every Monday, a quiz every Tuesday, and a quiz every Friday.

This is my life.

Tonight was actually my night to take it easy and by that I mean that I finally did laundry after neglecting it for over two weeks. I did dishes after neglecting them for a few days, I cleaned the kitchen, I picked things up around the apartment, I am making it livable and cute again.

One of my neighbors has a balcony that is about half the size of mine and she has it entirely full with flower pots and plants and table and chair set. Last night, as I was walking Canelo, I noticed that her balcony door was open and that her two cats were sitting on the balcony taking in the fresh, cool air. I want that. I want a balcony full of plants and I want furniture out there. As big as my balcony is, all that is out there is a bicycle and one lonely chair. I want to change that. It's not only my balcony either. This entire apartment needs more personalization. I really need to make it mine, add my own decorative touches, make it my home. When, though? And with what money?

Hmmm. I need to shower and do homework.

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